product image
Data sheet
Size9.5 cm
Weight75 gr
Quantity24 units
Baked temperature0 - 0º C
Baked time0 - 0 min
Defrosting time0 - 30 min
Disposition in Palé8 x 16
Fermentation time0 - 0 min
An adult reference intake8400Kj/2000Kcal
Energetic value1734.29/414.8
Dietary fiber1,34 gr
Salt0,86 gr
Sugars17,10 gr
Proteins5,06 gr
Carbohydrates41,54 gr
Fats25,08 gr
Monosaturated fatty acids9,94 gr
Polysaturated fatty acids2,12 gr
Omega 30,00 gr

Dough: WHEAT flour, water, palm fat, sunflower oil, dextrose, yeast, SOYA flour, MILK whey powder, raising agents (E450, E500), salt, emulsifiers (E471, E481), skimmed MILK powder, colour (E160a), flavouring. Filling 25%: Sugar, water, starch, skimmed MILK powder, acid (E330) , palm fat, salt, emulsifiers (E471, E472e), stabiliser (E466), flavouring, colour (E162). Coating 12%: Sugar, coconut and palmkernel fat, MILK whey powder, LACTOSE, starch, stabiliser (E492), emulsifier (E322). Topping 4%: Strawberry purée 1.5%, glucose-fructose syrup, humectan t (E422), sugar, WHEAT fibre, gelling agent (E440), palm fat, acids (E330, E296), concentrated pumpkin and carrot, flavouring.

Creamy Strawberry Dots

REF. 61220

Box 24 units

Soft dough filled with strawberry cream, layered with white chocolate and decorated with strawberry flavoured topping.

No artificial colorants        stampNo preservatives               stampHydrogenated fat free          stamp