product image
Data sheet
Size9.2 cm
Weight100 gr
Quantity36 units
Baked temperature0 - 0º C
Baked time0 - 0 min
Defrosting time60 - 75 min
Disposition in Palé8 x 11
Fermentation time0 - 0 min
An adult reference intake8400Kj/2000Kcal
Energetic value1704.19/407.6
Dietary fiber1,40 gr
Salt0,76 gr
Sugars19,00 gr
Proteins5,20 gr
Carbohydrates42,00 gr
Fats24,00 gr
Monosaturated fatty acids7,30 gr
Polysaturated fatty acids2,30 gr
Omega 30,00 gr

Dough: WHEAT flour, water, palm fat, sugar, sunflower oil*,yeast, dextrose, WHEAT starch, raising agents (E450, E500), salt EGG albumin powder, stabilisers (E412, E466, E415), emulsifiers (E471, E481, E472e), MILK whey powder, colour (E160a), skimmed MILK powder. Filling 25%: Water, glucose-fructose syrup, sugar, modified starch, palm fat, WHEAT starch, salt, acid (E330), flavouring, emulsifiers (E435), colour (E160a), preservartive (E202). Coating 20%: Sugar, coconut and palmkernel fat, defatted cocoa powde r 1.8%, MILK powder, flavourings, emulsifier (E322).

Custard&Choc Ball Dots

REF. 64190

Box 36 units

Soft dough filled with delicious custard and coated in chocolate.

No preservatives               stamp