product image
Data sheet
Size11 cm
Weight100 gr
Quantity60 units
Baked temperature0 - 0º C
Baked time0 - 0 min
Defrosting time25 - 30 min
Disposition in Palé4 x 8
Fermentation time0 - 0 min
An adult reference intake8400Kj/2000Kcal
Energetic value1185/283
Dietary fiber4,80 gr
Salt0,87 gr
Sugars2,40 gr
Proteins8,50 gr
Carbohydrates50,00 gr
Fats4,30 gr
Monosaturated fatty acids0,00 gr
Polysaturated fatty acids0,00 gr
Omega 30,00 gr

WHEAT flour, water, crushed WHEAT, sunflower seeds (4,1%), yeast, sugar, WHEAT fibre, iodized salt, rapeseed oil, WHEAT gluten, malted WHEAT flour, flour treatment agent (E300). Decoration: OAT flakes (4,7%).

Oat Panino

REF. 66350

Box 60 units

Delicious soft bread made from a blend of flours including malted and chopped wheat, with sunflower seeds, iodised salt and oat flakes for decoration. Thanks to its characteristic square and pre-cut format, this bread is very easy to handle and prepare.

Vegan suitable                 stampVegetarian suitable            stamp