product image
Data sheet
Size11 cm
Weight85 gr
Quantity23 units
Baked temperature0 - 0º C
Baked time0 - 0 min
Defrosting time120 - 180 min
Disposition in Palé8 x 17
Fermentation time0 - 0 min
An adult reference intake8400Kj/2000Kcal
Energetic value1016/244
Dietary fiber4,00 gr
Salt0,97 gr
Sugars1,60 gr
Proteins5,40 gr
Carbohydrates22,00 gr
Fats14,00 gr
Monosaturated fatty acids0,00 gr
Polysaturated fatty acids0,00 gr
Omega 30,00 gr

Spinach(32%), conditioned WHEAT flour (WHEAT flour, flour treatment agent (E920)), pre -fried onion (onion, vegetable oil (sunflower)), mozzarella CHEESE (mozzarella CHEESE, anti-caking agent (potato starch)), water, llard (lard, stabiliser (E471)), margarine (vegetable oils and fats (rape, palm, coconut in varying proportions), water, emulsifier (E471), acid (E330), preservative (E202), flavourings, colour (E160a)), uht whole MILK, salt (refined salt, anti-caking agent (E535)), vegetable oil (sunflower), black pepper. DECORATION: food ink (colour E155).

Empll. Porte¦a Espinacas 23u

REF. 67859

Box 23 units


Made with margarine            stampNo artificial colorants        stamp