product image
Data sheet
Size25 cm
Weight130 gr
Quantity44 units
Baked temperature180 - 190º C
Baked time12 - 16 min
Defrosting time15 - 20 min
Disposition in Palé4 x 9
Fermentation time0 - 0 min
An adult reference intake8400Kj/2000Kcal
Energetic value1000/236
Dietary fiber1,43 gr
Salt1,18 gr
Sugars0,72 gr
Proteins9,10 gr
Carbohydrates47,94 gr
Fats0,51 gr
Monosaturated fatty acids0,00 gr
Polysaturated fatty acids0,00 gr
Omega 30,00 gr

WHEAT flour, water, WHEAT gluten, inactive sourdough (fermented WHEA T flour), salt, yeast.

Sandwich Ciabatta

REF. 27950

Box 44 units

Our most Mediterranean specialty: Baked in stone floor oven. Bread with high hydration, honeycomb crumb and crispy crumb. ,